
Sweet Breezes LLC Consulting


I entered into this business with over 40 years of professional experience in the industry and have been doing most of the things I have listed here on the website for a very long time.  I started designing websites in 1983 using notepad as a html editor.  Although pretty crude in those days, it built a vast amount of experience in what I do now.
I am a native Nevadan, in fact a native Fallonite being raised on a small ranch just south-east of town.  I grew up with a huge interest in electronics and how they work.  In high school I immersed myself in gaining knowledge until graduation in 1982. 
Upon graduation, I followed in my grandfathers footsteps and within 2 years attained a certification as a Master Heavy Equipment technician from General Motors (Terex) Training Facility in San Leandro, CA.  After my apprenticeship was completed, I returned to Fallon and began working on heavy equipment, but soon found myself back in the system of higher education learning electronics as well as High Voltage, and Low Voltage systems.  After some additional apprenticeship’s, I graduated school with a Journeyman Electrician certification, and a certificate in Electronics design and repair. 
I then found a new interest in integration.  Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC's) dominate everything in our world and the basis of mechanical AI is the PLC.  I studied under a mentor for many years while working in the private sector until I was offered a job as a Heavy Equipment Mechanic and Electrician at Truckee-Carson Irrigation District. Now in the Public sector, I began wearing many hats besides heavy equipment.  I designed, built, and implemented Automation into the fore bays behind check structures coming up with a custom "solve-time" equation to keep bay levels within .05 of their set point, 24 hours a day, completely autonomous.  I left the shop and took over as Data Manager and Network Engineer for the District in 2011 which includes Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition Systems (SCADA), Automations, Geostationary Orbital Environmental Satellites (GOES) and the culmination of 72 hardline CAT 6 Patch Panels connecting 50+ computers, and 18 servers a large number of security and monitoring cameras throughout the District.  Recently I took over maintenance duties at Derby Diversion Dam on the Truckee River making sure the new FCA fish screens operate properly.  I have vast knowledge of Websites and have done many projects for Non-Profits, and other organizations. 
In 1997 I became an Amateur Radio operator (HAM), K7MKA and enjoy spending time talking to people all around the world, when time lets me. As my wife Ida and I reach retirement, we have decided to commit ourselves full time to helping others design, engineer, install, repair, and maintain your network and integration needs.  Contact us if we can be of any service.
