
Services we provide

This is an example of some of the services we provide to our customers.  Please scroll down and if you see something your interested in, just hit the "More info" button.


We offer a No Monthly Fee alternative to Security and Fire Alarms.  Our systems can be configured to wired or wireless sensors and call and text you (not the alarm or fire services) when an alarm is detected saving money on the monthly fees.  We can tackle almost any integration project you can think of.  Clicking "more info" below to learn more.

Network Evaulation, Upgrades, and Repairs

We can evaulate your system from Router, to switch, to cabeling, to workstations.  No system too small.

Website Design and Domain Hosting Services

Look around our website and see if a change or a new creation appeals to you. We can register or transfer your domain, and host your website through our dedicated hosting services providing very reliable service.

Database design and maintenance services.

Still sharing a spreadsheet between everyone in your office to keep your records, or are you using a database that just doesn't quite give you all the data you need? Let us show you how to speed things up and get your data where you need it.

Concealed Carry Weapons Instructor

I am certified in the State of Nevada to provide instruction to qualify you for a CCW permits.  Click on the More info button.